Monday, May 25, 2009

May 24, 2009

Hey, there. I am schmuck. I slept through the show yesterday. My hearing is still messed up, as some of you may remember from last week. Not really an excuse, but it caused me to not hear my alarm - the whole hour it was going off. so i do not have a lot to say in this week's posting. But I shall do my best to make up for it next week.

Damon and Murf had a good show, from what our online listeners tell me. But as I was not there, I have no clue what was played.

It was our Memorial Day show, so I know that they played a lot of music to memorialize our fallen brothers and sisters, as well as those in our lives that have passed before.

As I was not there, this posting is going to be a little different.

In March of 1986, my father died at the age of 55. He was a veteran of the Korean War. He served in Alaska when it was still considered over seas. He was a great man. He was diagnosed with Viral Cardio Myopathy in the early 80's. I was only 8 when he died, but I know how was a wonderful man. He had seven children, was married twice, and loved everyone in his family. My father was a carpenter, a plumber, a mechanic, an electrician, a lay minister of our church, a shop owner, a cop, a fireman, you name it. He was a Jack of all trades. I would like to think that ifhe were around today, he would be applauding my efforts in life.

There, I memorialied my father on this Memorial Day. Not easy to do, as it was 23 years ago that he passed. But I love him still.

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