The morning started out for me, Sarah was visiting from Cozad and we got up with plenty of time to spare before the show.... or so we thought. It was the Lincoln Marathon. I live right off of 10th Street and the radio station is located on the top floor of the Terminal Building, which is also on 10th. Guess what, the Marathon route went from before my apartment to past the studio. Needless to say, we had fun getting there. Good thing I suggested we leave early. We managed to find a parking space only a block away from the station. Now, Murf, being more experienced, left early enough to take an alternate route to the station and had few problems getting there. She was just arriving at the sound booth as Sarah and I got upstairs. Thank you, Damon, for waiting in the parking lot for us! You are a Goddess send!
Once we arrived and got settled in, Murf started off the show with the back up disk she made just in case I wasn't able to arrive on time. Heh. Good thing, too. She had some wonderful new stuff courtesy of a music promoter, and it was BEAUTIFUL. I have received comments in email from one of my listeners in Colorado. Blessed be, Lauralee!
The Pocket Pirate, a.k.a. Damon, was with us once again. I am so pleased to have him back on the show. He brings an interesting take on things. I sometimes am too serious and he makes us all laugh. Seems I have turned into the Straight Man on the show, and that is just ironic if you know me at all. :) I am good for being the butt of jokes, but I also like to share some good ones.
Sarah's visit to the show was great. She was there for moral support during my first solo-esque stint behind the boards. And that was her voice you heard a lot during the second half of the show. She did our Quotes and helped with the announcements. She is also helping me to find some fun and interesting music to maybe play in the future. One of her suggestions is Enter the Haggis, a Celtic rock group out of Canada. You can find them at,

Now, on to some of the Calendar of Events type stuff for you all. I know not all of this got covered on the air, but we try our best to share it all with you when we can.
Calendar for May 4th-10th
Monday, May 4th, 2009: Moon is void of coarse at 8:31pm
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009: Moon enters Libra at 4:51am
Cinco de Mayo, Mexican holiday of the dead
Beltaine cross quarter day, sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus
Wednesday, May 6th, 2009: Long Island Church of Aphrodite formed by Rev. Gleb Botkin, 1938
Thursday, May 7th, 2009: Moon is void of coarse at 5am
Moon enters Scorpio at 11:48am
Friday, May 8th, 2009: Full Moon at 11:01pm
Saturday, May 9th, 2009: Moon is void of coarse at 1:48pm
Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:49pm
Flower Moon is the name of the Full Moon
Joan of Arc canonized, 1920.
First day of the Lumeria, Roman festival of the dead; this festival was probably borrowed from the Etruscans and is one possible ancestor of our modern Halloween.
Sunday, May 10th, 2009: Mother's Day
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, May 9th, 2009: Mysteries of Wicca, hosted by the Order of the Red Grail, Church for Transformational Wicca, 2pm at Here & Back Again. This month's class is on Divination.
Pagan Alliance Network Meet & Greet Social at 5pm, at Here & Back Again. An opportunity for Pagans and curious minded people to get together in a neutral environment and learn about each other.
Sunday, May 10th, 2009: Open Full Moon Circle, hosted by the Order of the Red Grail, Church for Transformational Wicca, 6pm at the Unitarian Church at 6300 A Street, Lincoln. Meet and Greet at 6pm, ritual is at 7pm. Ritual attire not required, but encouraged. Please be sure to arrive before ritual starts.
A reminder:

Lincoln NE House Concert
Hosted by Joe and Jade
2348 D Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
$6-$15 suggested donation, please.
RSVP to Jade: (402) 613-7891
Omaha: Saturday May 16, 2009 — 8pm
The Dollhouse
4022 Lafayette Ave
Omaha NE 68131
Join us at Bryir's lovely Victorian home.
$6-$15 donation, please.
Unfortunately, SJ won't be available to do an appearance of the show during this tour, but we may be able to line something up for during her next tour. Be sure to RSVP for the Lincoln show so that Jade knows how many people to expect. Your's truly is going to do his best to be there.
Tidbits & Quotes:
All things grow with love. -- Anonymous
Real love stories never have endings. -- Anonymous
Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now! -- Victor Frankl
Love many, trust few, and always paddle your own canoe. -- Anonymous
The best proof of love is trust. -- Anonymous
More Beltaine/May music from such artists as Incubus Succubus, Gaia Consort and a host of others.
Mother's Day Pagan Music. Wonder what that could be.....?
Further details on the Full Moon Circle on Sunday the 10th.
Again, I would like to thank all you wonderful people for listening to KZUM and Murphy's Magic Mess. On behalf of Murphy, the Pocket Pirate, Sarah, and myself, have a safe and wonderfully joyous Beltaine month! -Phil
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