First, we would like to thank ALL of KZUM's supports, we raised over $13K in our latest pledge drive. That is for ALL shows and ALL programmers. Congratulations to the station!
Second, we would like to thank everyone for making this 4th of July weekend a safe and exciting one! Celebrating our independence is important, but we don't want to be b lowing our fingers off or setting the neighbor's house on fire!
Third, I'd like to send a shout out to all those online listeners that we have! Cairelle in New Orleans, Gwydion and Silverowl in Massachusetts, Lauralee et al in the Denver area, and of course our overseas listeners who are too many to list! These are just a few of our online listeners. You can tap into the live streaming audio by going to the KZUM website and clicking on the microphone icon on the left side of the page. The Mess is on at 9am CST every Sunday, but there are so many other shows to fit your tastes. Explore the site while you are listening to the Mess.
We are always aquiring new music as we go. If you have any suggestions or requests, please feel free to comment here or email Phil.
Some up-and-coming things for the Mess:
At least once a month we plan to have a themed show. We've already been doing something like this for the Sabbats and other special holidays. But what we are planning is something more along the lines of featuring an artist or a style. So if you have any suggestions we would love to hear about them!
Damon is working on creating a MySpace page for the Mess that will have up-to-date playlists and video streams of our shows. Now, these will be track listing videos, not footage from the studio. Though we may through in some pictures of the three of us, our featured artists and guests. We will only be able to have each shop up for two weeks at a time to avoid issues with the FCC and the video will not be downloadable. But you will be able to catch each show for up to weeks. I'll be sure to post the link when it is up and ready!
Murf is moving her website by the end of this fall. Yahoo has decided to do away with the Geocities sites and that is where Murf has had the radio's website for the last several years. Perhaps that explains why she has stopped updating her playlist... Damon and I are helping her to move her archives over to a new site and we shall see what we can do about having special links and other services available. We do know that her playlists will be archived back as far as we can go. I believe as far back as 1996 or so. Again, as soon as we have the live link, I'll post it here for you.
And la

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