Greetings, once again! Thank you for listening to Murphyy's Magic Mess on KZUM 89.3FM in Lincoln, NE or on the web at, and Lincoln Time Warner Cable channel 10.
I am going to show the two main looks of Damon, the Pocket Pirate a.k.a. Sir Flu
Unfortunately, I do have to be a good boy and avoid posting any pictures that could be compromising to Damon or the radio station. But that doesn't mean I can't take them! /evil grin/
As promised: Murphy's Magick Mess is now available online to listen to any time of day or night! Sometime today the new site will be totally up and running. Damon has worked out a way to put the show on, you do not need to have a MySpace account to access the show. We will have a brief instruction list for how to access the show for those who are not familiar with MySpace. Due to FCC regulation regarding music programs, we are only able to have the show on the site for two weeks at a time, so if you missed a program, be sure to check for it within two weeks of that date. It is being broadcast on MySpace as a video file, which means it will not be downloadable nor will you be able to put certain songs on repeat. But we will have playlists for the shows, going all the way back to the mid 1990's, when Murf took over from Cindy Clarity's Spiral Dance. There will also be a link to this blog and other related information. I am still working out some details with Damon and Murf, but we might have some rather interesting things going on with the MySpace site. So keep checking it weekly for updates other than just the show.
Announcements, announcements, announcements!
Tonight, Sunday 12th, at 6pm is the Open Full Moon Circle hosted by the Order of the Red Grail, Church for transformational Wicca at the Unitarian Church at 6300 A Street. The meet and greet portion of the evening begins at 6pm with the Circle to follow at 7pm. All are welcome and there is no charge for this event.
Thursday, July 16th, at 7pm is this month's DolphinMoon Coven Seeker Class hosted by DolphinMoon Coven at Phil's apartment. This month's topic is Comparative Religions. Check-in starts at 6:30pm and meditation is at 7pm. New students or curious individuals are welcome. Please contact Phil for more information or call 402-202-9676.
Saturday, July 18th, at 7pm is the next Discussion Group meeting for the Pagan Alliance Network, hosted by Julia in the Belmont area of Lincoln. This week's topic is Portable Altars, what are they and how do you make them? Check-in begins at 6:30 and meditation starts at 7pm. New faces are welcome! Please contact Phil for more information or call 402-202-9676.
Sunday, July 19th, at 7pm is the DolphinMoon Coven Open New Moon Meditation and Healing Circle hosted by DolphinMoon Coven at Phil's apartment. Meet and greet session begins at 6:30 and the meditation will start at 7pm. New faces welcome! ! Please contact Phil for more information or call 402-202-9676.
Check out the Moon Phase applet I found.
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